Laser hair removal, preferred for its permanent and healthy results compared to other hair removal methods, targets the permanent elimination of unwanted hair without gender distinction and causes less pain than traditional hair removal methods. When performed by the right equipment and experts, this procedure is highly effective and safe.
Experts carefully assess the treatment area, skin color, skin type, and hair structure to decide which laser hair removal device to use. Additionally, individuals interested in laser hair removal are informed about the approximate number of sessions needed to get rid of unwanted hair. The primary goal of laser hair removal is to render the hair follicles permanently inactive. The laser beams applied to the hair follicles intentionally disrupt the function of the root cell responsible for the regrowth of hair, preventing the reappearance of hair on the skin surface.
Laser, a technology that utilizes stimulated rays, has numerous applications in aesthetic and medical fields. Laser hair removal, used to address psychosocial and cosmetic issues such as excessive hair growth, has been successfully applied for approximately 25 years. For laser hair removal, the area should be free of hair contact at least 15 days before the initial application.
During this period, both the amount and thickness of hair can be easily observed, aiming for a more effective laser hair removal. Immediately after planning, the application area is cleansed. Factors such as hair type, hair density, skin type, and skin color are examined by experts. Subsequently, the application begins with a suitable device by making rapid shots on the desired area.
The procedure should be repeated at specific intervals. The goal of laser hair removal is to render the hair follicle permanently inactive. In this context, the sudden heat created by laser beams is particularly more effective on dark-colored hairs.
Preparations for laser hair removal treatment should begin approximately 15 days before the procedure. During this period, methods that pull the hair from the root, such as waxing, threading, tweezing, or using an epilator, should be avoided. Shaving and using a razor to thicken the hair roots is an appropriate method. Additionally, procedures such as peeling and solarium that can alter the structure or color of the skin should be avoided at least 15 days before the treatment.
Although different devices are used for laser hair removal applications, they all essentially operate on the same principle. The device to be used varies according to the hair and skin type and is determined after necessary tests are conducted under expert supervision. Like any type of hair removal process, FDA-approved devices are recommended for laser hair removal applications.
The laser hair removal process is carried out by scanning the area, which has been cleaned and the hair shortened, with a laser. Laser beams penetrate directly into the hair roots without piercing the skin and damage the roots. Laser hair removal is applied to the skin with shots performed in milliseconds. It targets the hair follicle directly without causing harm to surrounding tissues. It generates heat that destroys the hair follicles. Sessions repeated at specific intervals play a critical role in the success of the treatment. Within 15 days after the procedure, shedding occurs in the hairs whose roots have been damaged.
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